She Shall Be Free


About me

Hi. My name is Emily Enns. I am an artist. I love photography and I hope to one day specialize in nature and travel photography. I currently make and sell cards (Windrush Cove). I am currently studying at York university. I kinda hate it. I realized that they want me to think in a way that MY brain doesn’t work. I will still move forward and do my best to finish my degree (currently in Visual Arts). I hope to also attend George Brown for digital photography but we shall see how everything goes at York first.

Secondly, I love animals. I believe this is because I grew up in Niagara Farm Country (also known as Niagara-On-The-Lake). My dad helped us raise chickens and I had rabbits my whole life through. Now I also have 4 beautiful cats (yes I realize that your crazy levels multiply exponetially with every cat you own but 3 live at my parents and one with me at my apartment). I have a rabbit and a fish as well but I will blog about them later. 

Thirdly, I love nature. I grew up on the shores of Lake Ontario and I did all my growing up by the creek and lake. Those trees probably know me better than anyone or anything. The lake is a central theme in much of my nature photography as well as a source of overwhelming inspiration for me.  

I have been dating the man of my dreams for the last 4 years (5 in may). I hope to spend the rest of my life with him. More about him as well in a future blog.

The whole point of this blog (to me), is to be honest about the way I feel. Lately I feel confused and lost as to where I belong in life. I think I will use this blog to help me reconsider who I am and who I want to be. I want to explore what I think about religion, culture, media etc. but mostly I want to learn about myself. Also, I would like to write about my past memories and travels. I feel like this blog might turn into a biography but with no time lines.

For now I will leave you all with that, 
